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Study on the Auto-assembly of Truncated Phytochrome from Synechocystis sp.PCC7120
GAN Chun-Hui, RAN Yong, ZHAO Kai-Hong
2005, 23(6): 505-510.
Abstract PDF
Isolation of a New Low-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunit Gene in Wheat
WANG Yue-Sheng, QIN Jian-Bing, WANG Chang-Dong, HE Guang-Yuan
2005, 23(6): 511-513.
Abstract PDF
Construction of a Plant Transgenic Expression Vector of Peanut
WANG Jing, YAN Hai-Yan, KANG Qiang-Sheng
2005, 23(6): 514-518.
Abstract PDF
Influence of Exogenous Auxin on Microspore Embryogenesis in Tobacco
ZHAO Jing, SUN Meng-Xiang
2005, 23(6): 519-523.
Abstract PDF
The Character of Inward K+-channels in the Plasma Membrane from Tobacco Root Cortex Protoplasts
LIU Wei-Qun, WANG Wei-Min, SHI Yong-Chun, SONG Chun-Peng
2005, 23(6): 524-529.
Abstract PDF
Embryogenesis of Isolated-microspore in Cabbage(Brassica oleracea var.capitata)
FANG Shu-Gui, ZENG Xiao-Ling, ZHU Chao-Hui, LIN Bi-Ying, CHEN Wen-Hui, LIAO Xiao-Zhen
2005, 23(6): 530-534.
Abstract PDF
Karyotype Analysis of 14 Species and 2 Varieties in Aloe L.
ZHENG Miao, YU Xing-Sheng, LI Yong, WU Hong, ZHANG Shou-Zhou
2005, 23(6): 535-540.
Abstract PDF
Karyotype Analysis of Eremurus in Xinjiang
WU Ling, ZHANG Xia, MA Miao, WANG Shao-Ming
2005, 23(6): 541-544.
Abstract PDF
Characteristics of Starch Grains in Chloroplast of Five Alpine Plants
HE Tao, WU Xue-Ming, ZHANG Gai-Na, WANG Xue-Ren, JIA Jing-Fen
2005, 23(6): 545-548.
Abstract PDF
Anatomical Studies on Fruits and Petioles of 8 Species of Angelica L.from Sichuan Province
ZHANG Qiao-Ying, HE Xing-Jin, ZHANG Yun-Chun, LUO Peng, WU Ning
2005, 23(6): 549-554.
Abstract PDF
The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Phalaris arundimacea in the Beigu Mountain Wetland
FU Wei-Guo, LI Ping-Ping, CHEN Xin, BIAN Xin-Min, CHEN Dong-Mei
2005, 23(6): 555-559.
Abstract PDF
Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to Light Intensity in the Invasive Species Alternanthera philoxeroides
XU Kai-Yang, YE Wan-Hui, LI Guo-Min, LI Jing
2005, 23(6): 560-563.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Soil Nutrients on Plasticity of Floral Characteristics in Iris japonica Thunb.
LI Qing-Yu, ZHONG Zhang-Cheng, HE Yue-Jun
2005, 23(6): 564-567.
Abstract PDF
Extraction and Purification of Puroindoline from Wheat Flour
WANG Jue, LUO Li-Ting, CHEN Ming-Jie, LI Yang, ZHANG Jin-Rui, HE Guang-Yuan
2005, 23(6): 568-571.
Abstract PDF
Effects of Sucrose on the Activities of Enzymes Involved in Ammonium Assimilation in Roots of Rice Cultivated in Different Nitrogen Source
ZHOU Zhong-Xin, YUAN Yong-Ze, WANG Yun-Hua, OU Ji-Quan, ZHANG Chu-Fu
2005, 23(6): 572-576.
Abstract PDF
Study on Biological Characteristics of Cunninghamia laceolata(Lamb.)——A Superior Variation of Cunninghamia laceolata
XU Ye-Zhou, TANG Wan-Peng, HU Xing-Yi, ZHANG Peng
2005, 23(6): 577-582.
Abstract PDF
Research on the Fruit Quality of Newhall Navel Orange of Hubei Province
BAO Jiang-Feng, XIA Ren-Xue, DENG Xiu-Xin, PENG Shu-Ang, LIU Yong-Zhong, MA Xiang-Tao, ZHANG Hong-Yan
2005, 23(6): 583-587.
Abstract PDF
Histological Stain Technology Study of Two Plant Obligate Parasitic Fungi with Their Hosts
YU Zhong-Dong, LI Yan, LI Deng-Wu
2005, 23(6): 588-591.
Abstract PDF
Situation and Strategy of Biodiversity Conservation in the Houhe National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province, China Ⅰ.Situation and Study of Biodiversity
LI Zuo-Zhou, WANG Li-Jun, HUANG Hong-Wen, TANG Deng-Kui, PU Yun-Hai, ZHENG Chang-Yi
2005, 23(6): 592-600.
Abstract PDF
Advance on the Chemical and Pharmacological Studies on Plants of Bulbophyllum Genus
CHEN Ye-Gao, XU Jun-Ju, GAO Fang, CHEN Ya-Ping
2005, 23(6): 601-605.
Abstract PDF
Content Determination of Assemble Alkaloids of Huperzine in Huperziaceae and Dedentred Correspondence Analysis Based on Their UV Spectra
FANG Fang, GUO Shui-Liang, LI Pei-Ling, LU Wen-Guang
2005, 23(6): 606-609.
Abstract PDF
Chemical Constituents of the Flowers of Dendranthema indicum var.aromaticum
GONG Fu-Jun, WANG Guo-Liang, WANG You-Wei
2005, 23(6): 610-612.
Abstract PDF